Saturday, December 18, 2010

Preparation H On Your Waist

A Spaziozero c / o General Stores ...

... where the cost of Christmas there are literally overwhelmed, you're all invited to a lecture-stage tap dancing open to everyone, no age limit or capacity, THURSDAY 'Dec. 23 from 15 to 17 at Magazzini Generali, via Dock 57 sites in Ferrara! The lecture will be held by the teacher and professional dancer Elena Pavoni and promoted by the Cultural Puntozero, in view of the new course of Tip Tap .. read below, there waiting for you!

/ / / WHY 'a stage of TAP? / / /
The formula of a short stage allows anyone to grapple with the tap dancing without feeling bound to the provision of an annual course: you know, taken from the pace of our lives often do not have more than short cuttings time to devote to ourselves.
E ' also a way to know this sport and then decide whether to begin the study.

/ / / WHO 'FOR? / / /
can participate in the stage Anyone over 12 years of age. This is the only limit placed on what the lesson is calibrated for adults: it is also possible to involve children (aged 8) in a class designed especially for them. There are no age limits in the other direction. There is no need to be dancers or have studied dance! tap is indeed a discipline of dance, but to learn the basic steps are specific, so anyone can try it: the desire to dance will achieve results, and satisfaction unthinkable!
For those who already love the dance but an internship is a funny and useful addition to their knowledge.

/ / / WHAT IS IN THE LESSON? / / /
tap dancing is a very technical and complex rules: impossible to pretend to teach dance in a single stage. But the lesson is built in such a way as to enable all participants to create a little choreography already after an hour of explanations: a bit '... in spite of the technique, but surely the fun is guaranteed!

N.B.: saranno a disposizione alcune paia di scarpe con claquette, ma è consigliato di portare un proprio paio di scarpe preferibilmente di cuoio con suola pulita, meglio se con laccetto o stringate. In ogni caso, non pensateci troppo e venite!!!

--- scriveteci una e-mail per confermare la vostra partecipazione!! ---
per info e iscrizioni:  oppure

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trading Silverleaf Timeshare For Cruise

responsibility according to Maurizio Gasparri

Maurizio Gasparri in his interpretation of the facts relevant to Lamezia - where a young man who was already disqualified from driving, dropped on a group of cyclists and made a killing was positive test on cannabinoids - confusing a variable with a cause, proving once more the great ignorance of methodology of the humanities and political forces that characterized the government of the country, in this legislature and in the other, Arlacchi docet.
Declares the PDL group leader in the Senate: "The massacre of car Lamezia Terme confirm how much damage the drugs cause and how it is irresponsible to distinguish between soft drugs and hard drugs. The facts show that cannabis may lead to Fatalities from behavior. " Rome, December 5 (AGI)

The fact that a 'high percentage of people involved in an accident testing positive to alcohol test and / or 5/6/7, and more drug tests required by the rules (opiates, including heroin, morphine and metabolites, cocaine metabolites, amphetamines, Meth-Amphetamines, including Ecstasy MDMA, marijuana, cannabinoids, including THC , Penciclidine, Methadone, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, etc..) does not indicate anything but a high percentage of Italians in adulthood that makes use of this or that substance.
Compared with cannabinoids, in particular, the traces detected by the test laid down, the saliva or urine, may date back weeks if not months before, all this plus downloads of individual responsibility, the young offender, by fall the guilt of his crime on any of its eating habits, what is more persistent over time, very bad example to the miseducation of conscience for their actions.
The distinction between so-called hard drugs and read about one "drug", cannabis, which needs to be clearly separated by differences of history, hazards, potential for addiction and dependence, all the other drugs covered by drug trafficking. If only for the low level of toxicity that sees them below not only alcohol and cocaine, but also coffee, nicotine, and many food products.
episode - a twenty-one who drove a Mercedes like a madman, without a license, revoked for a recurrence habit to reckless overtaking, next door a boy of 10, lost control of the car - the discovery of traces of cannabis is not to verify anything that supports Gasparri.

Carpenters License Requirements

December 11 in Rovigo, meeting with farmers of industrial hemp.

The Cra-Cin, Research Centre for Industrial Crops (branch of Rovigo), Saturday, December 11 to organize the conference-debate on "The chain of renewable resources and eco-friendly: hemp - An ancient resource but a new opportunity for Polesine "to be held at the Museum of the great rivers in Rovigo.

The event, sponsored by the Province of Rovigo, Veneto region, is in collaboration with the Municipality of Rovigo, Department of Protection and Defense of Consumers Rights and table Altraeconomia Rovigo.

There is a stereotype of cannabis, created by the proponents of prohibitionist policies until the last century.
"In 1936, journalist Kenneth Clark begins his article published in a large chain of newspapers:" shocking crimes of violence are increasing. Assassinations, massacres and cruel mutilation, injuries made in cold blood - as if a horrible monster percorresse crazy land. The alarmed authorities federal and state attribute much of this violence to the 'killer drug', as the experts call marijuana "... Anslinger has now decided that the seriousness of the case requires the inclusion of marijuana in the federal law on narcotics,"

Even without getting to these points, the cannabis is perceived, due to the compliance of the language as an individual marginal, failed when not dangerous, the reality is quite different and consume cannabis in the life of millions of people who are professionals, employees , fathers and mothers, students, businessmen and traders. The fact that often in public statements this is not is due to the shame induced by decades of misinformation in these people, who smoke in secret to the wife, husband, children, employers, etc.. Moreover, even elementary school children know that in addition to therapeutic or recreational use of cannabis, there are very important to agricultural practice that is related to materials technology with ecological perspective is useful and interesting. The demonization of the hemp plant built by Anslinger, his friends and friends of his friends was also fierce on the therapeutic uses that, and all plant components, including fiber.

"Cannabis sativa is a plant known and trusted by farmers around the world as it needs little care and few 'enemies' natural, it grows almost every latitude in the Arctic part, tends to 'fines' (enrich) the ground culture.
E 'cultivated since prehistoric times because of the many possible uses with its fibers: textiles, clothing, edible oil and / or fuel, paper, fibers, plastics and many other applications.
more than 15 years have passed since the Mipaaf ( Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ) has taken over the speech on hemp.
This time interval have been numerous research programs at national, regional and EU have led to significant progress in the field of innovation and upgrading of agricultural techniques. Despite these efforts and their results, however, because of delays Mipaaf and legislative myopia, areas planted with hemp at the national level, they always remained within the limit of thousand ettari.pur allowing the ability to adapt to different plant environments occupy up to 100,000 hectares.
9:00 to 9:30
9:30 to 10:00
Fausto Merchiori - Mayor Comune di Rovigo
Tiziana Virgili - Presidente Provincia di Rovigo
Francesco Ennio - Assessore alle Attività Produttive Provincia di Rovigo
10.00 - 11.30
Giampaolo Grassi- Primo Ricercatore CRA Consiglio per la ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura
Dr. Francesco Crestani- Servizio Anestesia e Rianimazione O.C. Trecenta, Presidente Ass. Cannabis Terapeutica, Responsabile Oasi WWF Rovigo
Felice Giraudo - Presidente Assocanapa, Carmagnola (TO )
Marilena Zaccarini - Fondatrice Centro Ricerche & Sviluppo Canapa Beppe Croce -
Associazione Legambiente Responsabile Agricoltura no food
Luca Bellotti - Parliamentary FLI, member Standing Committee of Agriculture
Pettenò Pietrangelo - Veneto Region Councillor FDS component Regional Health Commission-S Social
11:00 to 11:30
DEBATE Moderator: Marco Boscolo - dell'Altraeconomia member of the Board, Professor c / o the Faculty of Architecture in Cesena, Bachelor of Science in Project Management and Implementation of Architecture, Head of the regional project "Power Saving" Legambiente Veneto11.30
Giovanna Pineda - Head Protection and Defense of Rights Consumers
The meeting will be considered the main areas where hemp could find its optimal placement and evaluate appropriate initiatives to create conditions for environmental sustainability and cost of its cultivation.

Hemp in Polesine: ancient resource, new opportunities

Rovigo, December 11, 2010 at 9:00. Congress about hemp in the supply chain of renewable resources and environmentally sustainable.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fixing Black Tattoo With White Ink

Allo SpazioZero c/o Magazzini Generali


:::::: 23 e 24 Ottobre 2010 ::: :::

"L’improvvisazione è una modalità di lavoro e di ricerca che permette di conoscersi meglio. Queste conoscenze, che si assorbono con la pratica, si riportano poi nel quotidiano, nelle relazioni  e anche nel modo di guardare le cose. È proprio in questo aspetto della conoscenza che si concretizza il lavoro composition, stimulating their imagination and that of others " (Antonio Caporilli)

Purpose / / / The purpose of the workshop is to broaden knowledge about use of her body, putting it in relation to space, with gravity, with sound, with his stroke and a number of drivers that accrue from improvisation itself: the conscious acceptance of an idea, moment moment. The workshop is open to all, there are special requests if you do not experience a healthy curiosity and willingness to play.

Languages \u200b\u200b / / / In order to create a chance meeting between
different languages, especially painting, music and gesture, are welcome graphic designers, photographers, vj, noises maker, writers, cartoonists, as well as dancers, actors and musicians. The idea that inspired this workshop is to create a common pole that occur in the future a series of performance events in urban environments.

Program / / / The topics to be proposed in the improvisations tend to raise the quality of listening gesture, breath, rhythm and in the contact. His experiences during the improvisations will be processed individually and in groups in a manner completely independent of composition, whose only requirements are time and space.

Duration / / / 8 lab hours per weekend, divided into 4 hours per day.

Hours / / / Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 15:00, half an hour lunch break.

Place / / / The workshop will take place in Ferrara at general store 57 via Dockyard, near the intersection with Corso Isonzo
you can park in front of the building or in the ex-MOF.

Costs / / / 65 euro per weekend (up to 8 hours of lab), plus 15 € registration.

Notes / / / Wear comfortable clothes.

/ / / To register or for more information call 328 0294219 number begin_of_the_skype_highlighting or write to:
Online / / / A documentation of the artistic works of Antonio Caporilli are available at

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Welcome Letter/ Catholic Church

ballet with Ale Blacksmith

continue the ballet lessons with Alessandra Fabbri.
Monday and Friday from 20:30 to 22:30 and Saturday afternoon at 17:00 until 19:00,
at Magazzini Generali - supplies for culture.
During the two-hour lessons will be offered an initial warm up the floor to prepare the body to work to follow, then, as usual bar, center, jumps, and for those who want to lecture points at the end of the class.

The level is intermediate-advanced. The lessons are also recommended in modern and contemporary dancers who wish to deepen their knowledge of classical technique.

Alessandra Fabbri has perfected her classical technique at the Centro Studi Danza in Florence where she studied with Barbara Baer, \u200b\u200bin Essen she studied with Agnes Pallai and Bojan Jotov, he studied in Dresden with Ralf Arndt and Pierre Darde.

His approach to classical technique is to improve the skills of each student in accordance with the Characteristics peculiar to each body, stimulating, through the exercise of traditional forms of ballet, a conscious use of the body, coordination of individual parties, the dynamics and rhythm.
For information: 328 029 42 19 or

Lexington Victorian Sampler Furniture

course of contemporary dance festival every Monday and Thursday

From Monday, October 18 sarà attivo presso i Magazzini Generali il corso di danza contemporanea curato da Alessandra Fabbri e Ruth Zanella.
Le lezioni sono indirizzate a giovani e adulti che siano interessati ad approfondire lo studio del linguaggio corporeo;  durante le lezioni verranno proposti esercizi al pavimento (floorwork) e in piedi (tecnica contemporanea), sequenze di movimento nello spazio (che potranno diventare coreografie brevi o complesse), esercizi di improvvisazione strutturata e di improvvisazione guidata, esercizi di sensibilizzazione sull'uso dello spazio, del tempo, dell'energia e del peso (individuali, a coppie, a gruppi).
La tecnica della danza potrà diventare la base per un successivo lavoro di composizione. Lo sviluppo expressive skills and creativity of each staff will be able to find space with some knowledge of working tools (techniques and study of dance movement, improvisation, technology, games of interaction). Great attention will be given to the body and its possible relationship with the surrounding space, with music, with the dynamics of movement.
Every Monday from 19:00 to 20:30 and every Thursday from 20:30 to 22:00.
For more information:
tel.328 029 42 19

(photo by P. Bertazzi)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sinus House Floor Plans

INTERNATIONAL GENERAL STORES is also this year! This is the general program, follow the proposals for Spaziozero INTERNATIONAL DO NOT MISS!

Back again this year in Ferrara the appointment with the International Festival, a weekend with journalists from around the world: one weekend, October 1 to 3, full of meetings, workshops and debates.
For the occasion the Association of Associations General Stores - supplies for culture, offers a full program of events sponsored and supervised by Asst Almagest, Awale Ass', Ass Zero Point, and Windmill Re-Ass Ass Yoruba.


Friday 01 October
h. 14.00> 17:00
hear or feel? * Laboratory of Communication

h. 17:00 CIRCUS MAXIMUS Introduces PEARL
and pork Conference / Debate
presents YORUBA
Installation fotrografica

Saturday, October 2
h. 10.00> 13:00 WHEN YOU SPEAK YOU UNDERSTAND? * Laboratory of Communication by THEATRE COMPANY

h. 14:30> 17:30

h. 18:00 DANIELE PARIO PERRA Presents

h. 21.30
Retrospettiva video sul gruppo britannico


h. 21.30 STRANGE FISH Retrospettiva video sul gruppo britannico DV8 PHYSICAL THEATRE a cura di ALMAGESTO e PUNTOZERO *Laboratori a numero chiuso,

per prenotazioni e info: +39.335.8483299
Patrocinio:: Comune di Ferrara; Assessorato alle Cultura, Turismo e Giovani; Uffico Giovani Artisti di Ferrara. Soggetti Promotori:: Ass. Almagesto; Ass. PuntoZero; Project Valuation (Awale Ass' Ass + Ri-Windmill); Ass.Yoruba. General Organization: Yoruba, spreading contemporary art
at Magazzini Generali via
Dock, 57-44121 Ferrara
front entrance ex Mof
during the festival, and unless otherwise indicated in the program
17.00> 24.00
free admission

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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San Quintin Write To Prisoners


Monday, September 13, 2010

Recall Letter In Dentist

starting dance classes and organized by Puntozero Performing Arts c / o General Stores - multi-purpose youth center / / / via Dock, 57 FERRARA::: Registration is now open:::

begin dance classes and performing arts organized by

Puntozero c / o Storage Generali.
Venerdì 17 Settembre si avvieranno i corsi di danza contemporanea per
di danza classica per adulti principianti e di danza classica livello   avanzato. 
Da lunedì 20 inizieranno i corsi di Yuriko Matsuyama per bambini,   ragazzi e adulti;  da mercoledì 22 inizierà il corso di Yoga&Danza tenuto da Martina   Danieli  e il laboratorio coreografico tenuto da Alessandra Fabbri;  da giovedì 23 avrà inizio anche il corso di sbarra a terra (metodo   Boris Kniaseff);  nel weekend del 24 e 25 Settembre si terrà invece il workshop di  improvvisazione e composizione con Antonio Caporilli.  Proseguono inoltre tutti i Wednesday classes stretching global active. From November are also activated during the theater and Roberta Pazi the course of contemporary dance with Ruth Zanella. ENTRIES c / o Magazzini Generali, via Dock, 57 Ferrara. INFO: 328 0294219 (Alessandra) e 333 2014475 (Ruth) oppure:
17 Settembre  gli orari settimanali delle lezioni dei corsi nello spazio  performativo dei Magazzini Generali saranno i seguenti : Lunedì                h 13:30 - 14:30 - Classical Studies (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 14:30 to 16:00 - classic girls (Yuriko Matsuyama )
h 16:00 to 17:00 - preparatory children (Yuriko Matsuyama)
h 17:00 - 18:00 - propedeutica bambini (Yuriko Matsuyama)                h 18:00 - 19:00 - bambini piccoli (Yuriko Matsuyama)                h 19:00 - 20:30 - contemporaneo adulti (Ruth Zanella/Ale Fabbri)
               h 20:30 - 22:15 - classico avanzato (Ale Fabbri)
Martedì h 17:00 to 18:30 - contemporary children (Ale Blacksmith)
h 19:00 to 20:30 - Beginners Classic (Ruth Zanella / Gaia Ciani) h 21:00 to 23:00 - theater (Roberta Pazi) --- from November Wednesday 17:00 h - 18 : 30 - contemporary children (Ale Blacksmith) h 18:30 to 20:30 - Yoga & Dance (Martina Danieli) h 20:30 to 21:30 - stretching active global h 21:30 to 23:30 - choreographic laboratory (Ale Blacksmith) h Thursday 17:00 to 18:00 - preparatory children (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 18:00 - 19:00 - bars on the ground method Kniaseff (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 19:00 to 20:00 - classic girls (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 20:00 to 21:00 - classic adult (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 21:00 to 22:15 - Adult Contemporary ( Ruth Zanella / Ale Blacksmith) h Friday 17:00 to 18:30 - contemporary children (Ale Fabbri) h 19:00 to 20:30 - Beginners Classic (Ruth Zanella / Gaia Ciani) h 20:30 to 22:15 - Advanced Classic (Ale Blacksmith)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is It Ok To Have A Period With Mucus In It

Reduce the gain of the mafia of drug trafficking? You can.

Berlusconi to Russia's statements on the need to increase penalties for individual consumption of drugs, now Drug Czar filmed from Giovanardi, assume that the individual fat consumption and trafficking mafias. It would of course argue that the prohibition is to fatten the black market, as amply demonstrated by now and as supporting characters in the world far more authoritative than mine. If counter served.
Unfortunately, the dialogue is only when the opponents are in good faith, and this is not the case.
fact, if the purpose was really undermining the gain and power of the mafia of drug trafficking, there would be a small reform to be introduced, which does not solve everything, but part of the problem. That is to equate the use of home-grown, and allow, without penalties prosecutions, the cultivation of hemp plants those which suffice the needs of the individual. Instead
in Italy if you are caught in possession of a having top of cannabis bought from the illegal market is likely an administrative penalty, if the same is detained for having cultivated the top, you'll fall immediately in criminal, with obvious satisfaction and burden of the consequences of Mafia.
There is a law, filed in 2009 by radical members, who seeks to do so minimal, the assimilation of cultivating domestic personal consumption. If
Silvio Berlusconi and Carlo Giovanardi are really in good faith, pull out of the drawer and put on the agenda.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Old 1960's Home Projector

LABORATORY improvisation and composition with Antonio Caporilli

11:12 September 25 and September 26,
October 9 and 10, 23 and 24 October 2010

"Improvisation is a form of work and research that allows you to get better acquainted. This knowledge, which is absorbed by the practice , then we report on a daily basis, reports and also in the way of looking at things. It is in this aspect of the knowledge that the work takes the form of composition, stimulating their imagination and that of others "

Antonio Caporilli

Purpose / / / The purpose of the workshop is to increase knowledge on the use of her body, putting it in relation to space, with gravity, with sound, with his stroke and a number of drivers that accrue from improvisation itself: conscious acceptance of an idea, moment by moment.
The workshop is open to all, there are special requests if you do not experience a healthy curiosity and willingness to play. Languages \u200b\u200b
/ / / In order to create an opportunity of contact between different languages, especially painting, music and gesture, are welcome graphic designers, photographers, v.j., noises maker, scrittori, fumettisti, oltre che danzatori, attori, musicisti. L'idea che ispira questo laboratorio è quella di creare un polo comune che produca in futuro una serie di eventi performativi in contesti urbani.
Programma /// Gli argomenti che verranno proposti nelle improvvisazioni tendono a sensibilizzare la qualità dell’ascolto nel gesto, nel respiro, nel ritmo e nel contatto. Le esperienze vissute durante le  improvvisazioni verranno elaborate individualmente e a gruppi, secondo criteri di composizione del  tutto autonomi, le cui uniche condizioni sono il tempo e lo spazio.      

Duration / / / 8 lab hours per weekend, divided into 4 hours per day. Hours

/ / / Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 15:00, half an hour lunch break. Place

/ / / The workshop will take place in Ferrara at GENERAL STORES on a dock 57, at the intersection with Corso Isonzo, you can park in front of the building or the former -MOF. costs

/ / / 65 euro per weekend (up to 8 hours of lab), more 15 euro per la tessera dei Magazzini Generali, valida un anno, a copertura delle spese assicurative. Note

/// Indossare abiti comodi. Iscrizione

/// Per iscriversi o per ricevere ulteriori informazioni telefonare al 328 0294219 oppure scrivere all'indirizzo   

In rete /// Una documentazione delle opere artistiche di Antonio Caporilli è reperibile sul sito

/ / / The organization is responsible for cultural associations and Puntozero Almagest::: ::: http://puntozero-mg.blogspot. com /

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Monica Roccaforte With The Priest

Conference on Latin American policies on drugs. Conclusions

"In most countries of the region, the drug laws provide for special procedures, and this leads us to assess whether they are exceptional and if it undermines the fundamental rights of those who appear before justice, because 'the penalties are disproportionate and the prisons are full of "mules" stuck in the prison system and not big traffickers. " Cosi ' Freddy Rivera Pavon, Deputy Minister of Justice in Ecuador by closing the "II Latin American Conference and the First Brazilian Conference on policies on drugs, organized locally by Brazilian "Psicotropicus" and regional level by the Argentinian "Intercambios" , and that 'ended last August 27 in Rio de Janeiro.
"It 's a challenge to design a policy on drugs' cause this is a sensitive issue, where states do not have total freedom' of action. You can not 'ignore the fact that any organization that promotes human rights also promotes the war against drugs, "says the deputy minister of Ecuador making a veiled criticism of some UN agencies. E 'in the panel on "Reforms laws in Latin America "and that 'was highlighted as the current legislation has created new delinquencies, has torn apart the social fabric and has destroyed the environment."
To reverse this situation, the Argentine prosecutor Monica Cunnaro , executive secretary of the "Commission coordination of public policies for prevention and control of illegal drug trafficking, transnational organized crime and corruption of the Directorate of the Cabinet "in Argentina, proposed to" use the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to gather consensus on how fare progressi nelle politiche sulle droghe a partire dalla difesa dei diritti umani”. Nel medesimo panel, il ministro della Suprema Corte di Giustizia in Uruguay, J orge Ruibal Pino , ha evidenziato che “una buona legislazione sulle droghe non e' garanzia di giustizia ne' di rispetto dei diritti umani”.

Secondo dati Onu, l'attuale traffico illegale di droghe muove 320 milioni di Usd. “Il problema delle droghe e' economico e, anche se le cause hanno diversi aspetti, la discussione si deve concentrare sulla soluzione a questo problema economico”, ha detto   Juan Carlos Hidalgo , coordinatore dei Progetti per l'America latina del Cato Institute di Washington. Per comprendere il grosso problema della guerra contro le droghe, Hidalgo ha fatto un esempio relativo al prezzo della cocaina: “In Colombia un chilo vale 1600 Usd, quando transita da Panama diventa 2500 Usd, 13 milioni Usd quando transita dalla frontiera messicana, 20 milioni quando arriva in Usa, milioni che diventano 97 nel mercato al dettaglio”. Il boliviano   Reynaldo Molina Salvatierra , coordinatore generale del “programma di appoggio al controllo sociale della produzione the coca leaf, "says:" If it were a convenient trade would not have assumed the dimensions it has achieved. " And reported as Bolivia stimulates, as a cheaper alternative, "a policy of incentives for licit uses of coca, such as in food and medicine, 'cause 18% of its protein composition are comparable to meat, with the advantage that it 'without fear of cholesterol and uric acid.

"The new 'policies on drugs are from Latin America," said Ethan Nadelman, a professor at the University' Harvard University and executive director of the "Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), taking as example the" Latin-American Commission on Drugs and Democracy "'cause" for the first time some ex-presidents have become available to a debate on the prohibition, clearly suggesting the decriminalization of marijuana and promoting policies of harm reduction. "
Nadelman has highlighted the initiative of the 'United' Pacificadora Police in Rio de Janeiro (program to regain control of territory in the favelas dominated by armed smugglers), and social inclusion policies in place Medellin (Colombia), but has who goes on the 'because' "it takes perseverance and you can not 'ignore the issue of the illegal' drugs, 'cause as long as there is a black market that funds organized crime will be' difficult to eradicate violence."
On the difference between U.S. policies and those of the rest of the Americas, during the inauguration of the Conference, the National Secretary of Justice in Brazil, Pedro Abramovay , focused his intervention on drug trafficking and border: "Brazil has a border of 15 million km and it 'impossible to conceive of a drug policy that ignores the relations with the countries neighbors. Do not build walls on our borders because 'only means of mass murder. "

This conference was attended by more 'than four hundred people, including government representatives and experts from various countries of the region and UN officials.


Other items IPS and EPA

Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Make A Working Model Of A Kidney

Give us this day our daily

Onorevole Carlo Giovanardi

Non passa giorno senza il nostro Giovanardi quotidiano. Ieri, commentando le nuove norme sulla sicurezza stradale, nelle quali sono state incluse norme sul controllo sugli usi degli italiani, ha dimostrato, e gliene va dato atto, di aver compreso la differenza tra uso e abuso. “Sono poi” ha detto “particolarmente soddisfatto dell'introduzione della norma che obbliga i richiedenti della patente di guida … a presentare un'idonea certificazione attestante il non abuso di sostanze alcoliche e il non uso di sostanze stupefacenti o psicotrope''. Rimane to explain the mystery to which alcohol can be used, if not abused, but no psychotropic substances. As if it were not alcohol and psychotropic drug. After
flaunted the ban on selling alcohol after three in the morning and up to six as decisive, while strictly speaking not even matter why the chickens laugh, went on to explain the wonders of the mandatory drug test (which like all now knows notes past use, days and weeks before) to ask for a license or renewal.
Not content, announced the "new" hair test, pompously called "solid-phase microextraction in headspace (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
applaud the producers and narcotest breathalyzer (mandatory in every restaurant and every room).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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Giovanardi Giovanardi's music to the witch hunt

A boy is beaten by the police and left without care in prison facilities until they die of starvation? And 'the fault of the drug.
A celebration of mass is poorly managed and there are dozens of dead? And 'the fault of the drugs (and music).
Giovanardi's music is dull and repetitive. He has not spared even at the 'Milan investigation that involves celebrities these days, managers of local, leading the seizure of two popular nightclubs frequented by celebrities, the Hollywood and The Club, under house arrest and five people, including Rodolfo Citterio, member of the local supervisor on the premises, on which licenses and permits to open a business.
And here we did a nice distinction: one thing is for consumers, "to treat", "is one thing to have a problem, a disease or defect, that is to be slaves of the drug, therefore, be a situation of dependence ", and already there is wrong, because a consumer is not necessarily sick, spoiled and dominated, the notorious consumer zombies that inhabit his dreams. It's like saying that those who drink two glasses of wine with friends is an alcoholic.
Ben else, he said Giovanardi, is the behavior of those who go on TV to "encourage young people to use cocaine, claiming to have therapeutic properties", which refers to Morgan, guilty of not following the mode of denial that is the most popular (Apples, Marrazzo, Zaccai, etc.etc.) and have made a sincere statement of the cameras on his personal statement.
"So on the one hand we have a person who must be helped, while on the other hand we have a person who takes on attitudes that might spread the problem."
So the 'Italy has a secretary with responsibility for drug policy that can not distinguish between use and abuse / dependence, which prefer hypocrisy to the debate.
to spread the problem, after all, no matter what you think of Morgan, there is already a global success that the prohibition operates through a turnover always uphill and spreads violence and corruption throughout the 'globe.

Friday, July 23, 2010

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continues throughout Italy raids from house to house in search of hemp plants in a witch-hunt of which you are unable to grasp the motive.
been months since the heads of the security forces have unleashed a veritable persecution of sites and stores, selling hemp seeds and equipment for cultivation, however, all perfectly legal and licensed merchandise; persecution that has also hit a manufacturer of beer "hemp" (Mary Jo) and a drink "coca leaves" (Kdrink), both with full-scale inspections and permits. This policy Giovanardi, who also dare to boast of the first results. In its report of June 2010, in fact, underlines the decreased consumption of cannabis ( - 9%) and increased that of alcohol (+ 18%), and received the applause of Berlusconi who said " Less drug use means taking huge resources against organized crime and international terrorism ...."
not really understand the logical link, and because with the fury on cannabis users has produced a price rise due to increased risk and because, if they really take care resources, drug trafficking, buying up street should be punished, possibly with more severely than the self.
Not so. Today, those who buy from time to time amounts for personal use (ie at the highest price possible) from street dealers, mostly non-poor who can not survive otherwise, threatens a penalty, and who cultivated cannabis at home risk, as we recall the able investigators, from 6 to 20 years imprisonment.
Any sensible and informed his mother, when the morning to tidy the room where his son spent the evening with friends, even though hopes of not finding any residue, much prefers to find cigarette butts of joints that bottles of vodka and packages of cigarettes because he care about the health of her children. Then, if the child has the dexterity and intelligence to self-produce cannabis, while avoiding so the uncertainties and dangers of the black market, the better. Giovanardi does not think so, that seems to ignore the plays produced by his policies, at best, or, at worst, cares and has high earnings.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Kat Von D Duffle Bag Sale

On 12 July, after eight days of deliberation, and five years of trial, the head of ROS, General Ganzer, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for "irregularities" that are within the counts of drug trafficking and embezzlement.

For career reasons, visibility and prestige, the team waived Ganzer was above the law allowed, a cquistando, holding, buying drugs, particularly cocaine Colombian , too lightly and some gain.

The ruling has seen opposite reactions, on the one hand a people enraged by the cold and dull obstinacy of the state and the forces of 'order for all citizens in the pursuit of a few grams of cannabis was the product lines and shouting for joy to see a ringleader sentenced for trafficking in uniform, ministers and other influential men of the institutions have renewed their faith in Ganzer and his claim of a working method.

"Corruption or the use of questionable methods by the police and politics is one of the most common and devastating of prohibition. It happened during alcohol prohibition in the 1920s in the United States, is happening today around the world on drugs, "the site of 'ADUC, the best source for information and correct the news about drugs in Italy. And he's right.

But I would also stress that would also need to do il conto di quanto ci è costato, in euro, l’insieme delle operazioni di Ganzer e del processo a Ganzer; poi rivolgere un pensiero alle decine di migliaia di carcerati per reati di droga, spesso per pochi grammi: detenuti in carceri per le quali non si trovano soldi neanche per la carta igienica.

How Has Stephen Hawking Lived So Long

La buzzolona

arrested the "views" of "Men and women" with 11 grams of cocaine and a sling, already issued, the process waits at home for summary.
Danielona Ranaldi, the overflowing lady sitting or sitting to the right of Maria De Filippi pontificating about the alleged romance between "Men and Women", was attention from the police of Rome, after having kept under control for a few days, found her in possession of 11 grams of cocaine and a sling. Released from custody "in the uncensored", a process is waiting for Friday for summary.
That's fine, God forbid, sorry for all those guys that every 11 grams of hard drugs would end the travel cage, and who knows when to get out with all those bruises.
Prohibition class - Marrazzo after the break in the convent was restored in RAI, Zaccai was discharged without the slightest trace of a drug test, Lapo is detoxified in America, his uncle 's lawyer, there has never even tried to detoxify.
Instead, for the ordinary citizen, humiliation, horror, and social convictions, removal of the children, etc.etc.
Last week the police seized goods to a diligent company that makes the Kdrink, a drink made from coca leaves certified absolutely free of dopants principles, putting a strain on the nerves and the economy of the owners and employees.
Happy birthday, Danielona; for you, whatever happens, it will be a success ...