continues throughout Italy raids from house to house in search of hemp plants in a witch-hunt of which you are unable to grasp the motive.
been months since the heads of the security forces have unleashed a veritable persecution of sites and stores, selling hemp seeds and equipment for cultivation, however, all perfectly legal and licensed merchandise; persecution that has also hit a manufacturer of beer "hemp" (Mary Jo) and a drink "coca leaves" (Kdrink), both with full-scale inspections and permits. This policy Giovanardi, who also dare to boast of the first results. In its report of June 2010, in fact, underlines the decreased consumption of cannabis ( - 9%) and increased that of alcohol (+ 18%), and received the applause of Berlusconi who said " Less drug use means taking huge resources against organized crime and international terrorism ...."
not really understand the logical link, and because with the fury on cannabis users has produced a price rise due to increased risk and because, if they really take care resources, drug trafficking, buying up street should be punished, possibly with more severely than the self.
Not so. Today, those who buy from time to time amounts for personal use (ie at the highest price possible) from street dealers, mostly non-poor who can not survive otherwise, threatens a penalty, and who cultivated cannabis at home risk, as we recall the able investigators, from 6 to 20 years imprisonment.
Any sensible and informed his mother, when the morning to tidy the room where his son spent the evening with friends, even though hopes of not finding any residue, much prefers to find cigarette butts of joints that bottles of vodka and packages of cigarettes because he care about the health of her children. Then, if the child has the dexterity and intelligence to self-produce cannabis, while avoiding so the uncertainties and dangers of the black market, the better. Giovanardi does not think so, that seems to ignore the plays produced by his policies, at best, or, at worst, cares and has high earnings.
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