Saturday, December 18, 2010

Preparation H On Your Waist

A Spaziozero c / o General Stores ...

... where the cost of Christmas there are literally overwhelmed, you're all invited to a lecture-stage tap dancing open to everyone, no age limit or capacity, THURSDAY 'Dec. 23 from 15 to 17 at Magazzini Generali, via Dock 57 sites in Ferrara! The lecture will be held by the teacher and professional dancer Elena Pavoni and promoted by the Cultural Puntozero, in view of the new course of Tip Tap .. read below, there waiting for you!

/ / / WHY 'a stage of TAP? / / /
The formula of a short stage allows anyone to grapple with the tap dancing without feeling bound to the provision of an annual course: you know, taken from the pace of our lives often do not have more than short cuttings time to devote to ourselves.
E ' also a way to know this sport and then decide whether to begin the study.

/ / / WHO 'FOR? / / /
can participate in the stage Anyone over 12 years of age. This is the only limit placed on what the lesson is calibrated for adults: it is also possible to involve children (aged 8) in a class designed especially for them. There are no age limits in the other direction. There is no need to be dancers or have studied dance! tap is indeed a discipline of dance, but to learn the basic steps are specific, so anyone can try it: the desire to dance will achieve results, and satisfaction unthinkable!
For those who already love the dance but an internship is a funny and useful addition to their knowledge.

/ / / WHAT IS IN THE LESSON? / / /
tap dancing is a very technical and complex rules: impossible to pretend to teach dance in a single stage. But the lesson is built in such a way as to enable all participants to create a little choreography already after an hour of explanations: a bit '... in spite of the technique, but surely the fun is guaranteed!

N.B.: saranno a disposizione alcune paia di scarpe con claquette, ma รจ consigliato di portare un proprio paio di scarpe preferibilmente di cuoio con suola pulita, meglio se con laccetto o stringate. In ogni caso, non pensateci troppo e venite!!!

--- scriveteci una e-mail per confermare la vostra partecipazione!! ---
per info e iscrizioni:  oppure


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