Sunday, August 29, 2010

Monica Roccaforte With The Priest

Conference on Latin American policies on drugs. Conclusions

"In most countries of the region, the drug laws provide for special procedures, and this leads us to assess whether they are exceptional and if it undermines the fundamental rights of those who appear before justice, because 'the penalties are disproportionate and the prisons are full of "mules" stuck in the prison system and not big traffickers. " Cosi ' Freddy Rivera Pavon, Deputy Minister of Justice in Ecuador by closing the "II Latin American Conference and the First Brazilian Conference on policies on drugs, organized locally by Brazilian "Psicotropicus" and regional level by the Argentinian "Intercambios" , and that 'ended last August 27 in Rio de Janeiro.
"It 's a challenge to design a policy on drugs' cause this is a sensitive issue, where states do not have total freedom' of action. You can not 'ignore the fact that any organization that promotes human rights also promotes the war against drugs, "says the deputy minister of Ecuador making a veiled criticism of some UN agencies. E 'in the panel on "Reforms laws in Latin America "and that 'was highlighted as the current legislation has created new delinquencies, has torn apart the social fabric and has destroyed the environment."
To reverse this situation, the Argentine prosecutor Monica Cunnaro , executive secretary of the "Commission coordination of public policies for prevention and control of illegal drug trafficking, transnational organized crime and corruption of the Directorate of the Cabinet "in Argentina, proposed to" use the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to gather consensus on how fare progressi nelle politiche sulle droghe a partire dalla difesa dei diritti umani”. Nel medesimo panel, il ministro della Suprema Corte di Giustizia in Uruguay, J orge Ruibal Pino , ha evidenziato che “una buona legislazione sulle droghe non e' garanzia di giustizia ne' di rispetto dei diritti umani”.

Secondo dati Onu, l'attuale traffico illegale di droghe muove 320 milioni di Usd. “Il problema delle droghe e' economico e, anche se le cause hanno diversi aspetti, la discussione si deve concentrare sulla soluzione a questo problema economico”, ha detto   Juan Carlos Hidalgo , coordinatore dei Progetti per l'America latina del Cato Institute di Washington. Per comprendere il grosso problema della guerra contro le droghe, Hidalgo ha fatto un esempio relativo al prezzo della cocaina: “In Colombia un chilo vale 1600 Usd, quando transita da Panama diventa 2500 Usd, 13 milioni Usd quando transita dalla frontiera messicana, 20 milioni quando arriva in Usa, milioni che diventano 97 nel mercato al dettaglio”. Il boliviano   Reynaldo Molina Salvatierra , coordinatore generale del “programma di appoggio al controllo sociale della produzione the coca leaf, "says:" If it were a convenient trade would not have assumed the dimensions it has achieved. " And reported as Bolivia stimulates, as a cheaper alternative, "a policy of incentives for licit uses of coca, such as in food and medicine, 'cause 18% of its protein composition are comparable to meat, with the advantage that it 'without fear of cholesterol and uric acid.

"The new 'policies on drugs are from Latin America," said Ethan Nadelman, a professor at the University' Harvard University and executive director of the "Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), taking as example the" Latin-American Commission on Drugs and Democracy "'cause" for the first time some ex-presidents have become available to a debate on the prohibition, clearly suggesting the decriminalization of marijuana and promoting policies of harm reduction. "
Nadelman has highlighted the initiative of the 'United' Pacificadora Police in Rio de Janeiro (program to regain control of territory in the favelas dominated by armed smugglers), and social inclusion policies in place Medellin (Colombia), but has who goes on the 'because' "it takes perseverance and you can not 'ignore the issue of the illegal' drugs, 'cause as long as there is a black market that funds organized crime will be' difficult to eradicate violence."
On the difference between U.S. policies and those of the rest of the Americas, during the inauguration of the Conference, the National Secretary of Justice in Brazil, Pedro Abramovay , focused his intervention on drug trafficking and border: "Brazil has a border of 15 million km and it 'impossible to conceive of a drug policy that ignores the relations with the countries neighbors. Do not build walls on our borders because 'only means of mass murder. "

This conference was attended by more 'than four hundred people, including government representatives and experts from various countries of the region and UN officials.


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