Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Kind Of Haircut Does Ellen Degeneres Have

crazy journey of hope

"Viaggio della speranza" era ed è l'eufemismo con cui si indicavano le migrazioni di intere popolazioni africane, arabe, cinesi, slave, che sognavano una vita migliore in paesi migliori dai quali provenivano. Con rispetto parlando, vorrei utilizzare questa espressione per testimoniare le "migrazioni" di noi poveri meridionali in cerca di fortuna e speranza verso lidi "lontani". It 's the journey that leads us to the shores of the Adriatic in a week that the cheaters. It 's the journey of luck that is faced with the wish to reach. Ours is a battle for survival. Forced to travel by rail crumbling medieval winkles; stations full of desperate people in search of a car that can accommodate them. The watchword is unity, because everyone already living on the shoulders of the other in a symbiotic relationship that becomes. At the end of the crossing you may have learned by heart the quarrel to your neighbor's phone, the entrancing smell of his sweat, hours of work they must encounter, and so the examinations scheduled to follow. But this is the minimum. In your race unpredictable than an hour and a half can also happen to make a stop in the middle of the journey, maybe even miles away from the next station. Yes, because the means granted by the course of youth do not shine (quite the contrary). And so you try to arrive at the terminal / capital. All different but Sunday, when the matter of taking the train does not arise at all. And so we need we can make even virtue. It changes quite half as the powerful heads of F. . L. (No names) allows us to travel by bus! Too bad that with the real coach, in fact, have little in common ... Have you ever had to stand still in the middle of a highway to four lanes of slip, arrows without security, without the triangle, without any light (except those of the machines that pass a few meters away), without any kind of security, with little hope of escape unscathed? Well anything is possible with this company. Also remain stranded in the middle of a road. That's why, ours is a journey of hope. Hope to get to their destination safely, with the snow, rain, sun, whether it is night and day, always!


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