Monday, January 17, 2011

Christian Retirement Verses

Giovanardi, cabbages and snacks.

''I drammatici e luttuosi eventi che negli ultimi due giorni hanno visto per protagonisti persone in preda agli effetti dell'alcol e della droga, ripropongono in maniera pressante il theme of prevention and fight against drug abuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages.'' This was declared by the Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for combating drug addiction, sen. Carlo Giovanardi, adding that''on this front, the Anti-Drug Department has never lowered the guard and, indeed, has stepped up efforts to develop, at national level, a detailed plan of action to reduce these terrible events.'' Giovanardi has announced that January 20 will meet next'''in Rome, at Palazzo Chigi, and the consultation of experts convened to review progress on the initiatives put in place and possible future developments. At the end, in the press room of Palazzo Chigi earth 'a press conference to present an importer editorial initiative of the Department on drugs and cannabis to illustrate the results of the activities' monitoring against rave parties, the so-called 'clever drugs' and businesses that market (Smart shop )''.

Given that Giovanardi remembers the difference between use and abuse only when and where it suits them, we see what are the tragic events, looking in the news, there is a traffic accident in which two children and their mother are dead, in Campobello di Mazara, and dad is in critical condition. their car was struck by a BMW 320 B led by a young man of 21 years, Fabio Gulotta, unhurt, he had a blood alcohol level of 0.72 milligrams per liter, slightly exceeding the limit of 0.5, but still good enough to indicate a state of intoxication. The other news that comply albeit vaguely mournful theme, the red light party ended in tragedy, after which one man died and his partner ended up in coma. "The police of the Company and the Triumphal Flaminio station are investigating whether it was used cocaine during the party ... It was 4.45 when the ambulance was called by some of the men in the house, having noted that MV 42 year old was unconscious and that instead his companion, FM, was very ill. The medical staff of 118 could only be held MV's death and instead have a friend in the hospital Santo Spirito hospital in serious condition, although it is not life threatening. After examination, it emerged that he had used cocaine ... Investigators found no traces of white powder in the apartment. It is not excluded, however, that the homosexual couple has snorted "cocaine killer" or who has made use of another drug, which, mixed with alcohol, has sent in both overdose.

What will be joining a car accident, some tragic, an evening of celebration ended badly probably due to a bad cut, then a direct effect of prohibitionist policies that do not allow control over the substances sold illegally, and raves and smart drugs, Giovanardi could only understand it. With cannabis, then, that he never killed anyone in hundreds of years of use and abuse as well, making it one of the least toxic substances in the world, the link is really mysterious. Any excuse is good for the DAP, Department of Drug Control Policy, to spend it, badly, the citizens' money and produce a disindformazione, this really, really dramatic and mournful.

Claudia Sterzi


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