Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Make A Working Model Of A Kidney

Give us this day our daily

Onorevole Carlo Giovanardi

Non passa giorno senza il nostro Giovanardi quotidiano. Ieri, commentando le nuove norme sulla sicurezza stradale, nelle quali sono state incluse norme sul controllo sugli usi degli italiani, ha dimostrato, e gliene va dato atto, di aver compreso la differenza tra uso e abuso. “Sono poi” ha detto “particolarmente soddisfatto dell'introduzione della norma che obbliga i richiedenti della patente di guida … a presentare un'idonea certificazione attestante il non abuso di sostanze alcoliche e il non uso di sostanze stupefacenti o psicotrope''. Rimane to explain the mystery to which alcohol can be used, if not abused, but no psychotropic substances. As if it were not alcohol and psychotropic drug. After
flaunted the ban on selling alcohol after three in the morning and up to six as decisive, while strictly speaking not even matter why the chickens laugh, went on to explain the wonders of the mandatory drug test (which like all now knows notes past use, days and weeks before) to ask for a license or renewal.
Not content, announced the "new" hair test, pompously called "solid-phase microextraction in headspace (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
applaud the producers and narcotest breathalyzer (mandatory in every restaurant and every room).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adderall Lichen Planus

Giovanardi Giovanardi's music to the witch hunt

A boy is beaten by the police and left without care in prison facilities until they die of starvation? And 'the fault of the drug.
A celebration of mass is poorly managed and there are dozens of dead? And 'the fault of the drugs (and music).
Giovanardi's music is dull and repetitive. He has not spared even at the 'Milan investigation that involves celebrities these days, managers of local, leading the seizure of two popular nightclubs frequented by celebrities, the Hollywood and The Club, under house arrest and five people, including Rodolfo Citterio, member of the local supervisor on the premises, on which licenses and permits to open a business.
And here we did a nice distinction: one thing is for consumers, "to treat", "is one thing to have a problem, a disease or defect, that is to be slaves of the drug, therefore, be a situation of dependence ", and already there is wrong, because a consumer is not necessarily sick, spoiled and dominated, the notorious consumer zombies that inhabit his dreams. It's like saying that those who drink two glasses of wine with friends is an alcoholic.
Ben else, he said Giovanardi, is the behavior of those who go on TV to "encourage young people to use cocaine, claiming to have therapeutic properties", which refers to Morgan, guilty of not following the mode of denial that is the most popular (Apples, Marrazzo, Zaccai, etc.etc.) and have made a sincere statement of the cameras on his personal statement.
"So on the one hand we have a person who must be helped, while on the other hand we have a person who takes on attitudes that might spread the problem."
So the 'Italy has a secretary with responsibility for drug policy that can not distinguish between use and abuse / dependence, which prefer hypocrisy to the debate.
to spread the problem, after all, no matter what you think of Morgan, there is already a global success that the prohibition operates through a turnover always uphill and spreads violence and corruption throughout the 'globe.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Convert Pendant To Track Lighting

continues throughout Italy raids from house to house in search of hemp plants in a witch-hunt of which you are unable to grasp the motive.
been months since the heads of the security forces have unleashed a veritable persecution of sites and stores, selling hemp seeds and equipment for cultivation, however, all perfectly legal and licensed merchandise; persecution that has also hit a manufacturer of beer "hemp" (Mary Jo) and a drink "coca leaves" (Kdrink), both with full-scale inspections and permits. This policy Giovanardi, who also dare to boast of the first results. In its report of June 2010, in fact, underlines the decreased consumption of cannabis ( - 9%) and increased that of alcohol (+ 18%), and received the applause of Berlusconi who said " Less drug use means taking huge resources against organized crime and international terrorism ...."
not really understand the logical link, and because with the fury on cannabis users has produced a price rise due to increased risk and because, if they really take care resources, drug trafficking, buying up street should be punished, possibly with more severely than the self.
Not so. Today, those who buy from time to time amounts for personal use (ie at the highest price possible) from street dealers, mostly non-poor who can not survive otherwise, threatens a penalty, and who cultivated cannabis at home risk, as we recall the able investigators, from 6 to 20 years imprisonment.
Any sensible and informed his mother, when the morning to tidy the room where his son spent the evening with friends, even though hopes of not finding any residue, much prefers to find cigarette butts of joints that bottles of vodka and packages of cigarettes because he care about the health of her children. Then, if the child has the dexterity and intelligence to self-produce cannabis, while avoiding so the uncertainties and dangers of the black market, the better. Giovanardi does not think so, that seems to ignore the plays produced by his policies, at best, or, at worst, cares and has high earnings.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Kat Von D Duffle Bag Sale

On 12 July, after eight days of deliberation, and five years of trial, the head of ROS, General Ganzer, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for "irregularities" that are within the counts of drug trafficking and embezzlement.

For career reasons, visibility and prestige, the team waived Ganzer was above the law allowed, a cquistando, holding, buying drugs, particularly cocaine Colombian , too lightly and some gain.

The ruling has seen opposite reactions, on the one hand a people enraged by the cold and dull obstinacy of the state and the forces of 'order for all citizens in the pursuit of a few grams of cannabis was the product lines and shouting for joy to see a ringleader sentenced for trafficking in uniform, ministers and other influential men of the institutions have renewed their faith in Ganzer and his claim of a working method.

"Corruption or the use of questionable methods by the police and politics is one of the most common and devastating of prohibition. It happened during alcohol prohibition in the 1920s in the United States, is happening today around the world on drugs, "the site of 'ADUC, the best source for information and correct the news about drugs in Italy. And he's right.

But I would also stress that would also need to do il conto di quanto ci รจ costato, in euro, l’insieme delle operazioni di Ganzer e del processo a Ganzer; poi rivolgere un pensiero alle decine di migliaia di carcerati per reati di droga, spesso per pochi grammi: detenuti in carceri per le quali non si trovano soldi neanche per la carta igienica.

How Has Stephen Hawking Lived So Long

La buzzolona

arrested the "views" of "Men and women" with 11 grams of cocaine and a sling, already issued, the process waits at home for summary.
Danielona Ranaldi, the overflowing lady sitting or sitting to the right of Maria De Filippi pontificating about the alleged romance between "Men and Women", was attention from the police of Rome, after having kept under control for a few days, found her in possession of 11 grams of cocaine and a sling. Released from custody "in the uncensored", a process is waiting for Friday for summary.
That's fine, God forbid, sorry for all those guys that every 11 grams of hard drugs would end the travel cage, and who knows when to get out with all those bruises.
Prohibition class - Marrazzo after the break in the convent was restored in RAI, Zaccai was discharged without the slightest trace of a drug test, Lapo is detoxified in America, his uncle 's lawyer, there has never even tried to detoxify.
Instead, for the ordinary citizen, humiliation, horror, and social convictions, removal of the children, etc.etc.
Last week the police seized goods to a diligent company that makes the Kdrink, a drink made from coca leaves certified absolutely free of dopants principles, putting a strain on the nerves and the economy of the owners and employees.
Happy birthday, Danielona; for you, whatever happens, it will be a success ...