Monday, October 12, 2009

How To Congratulate Someone In Spanish

But where do you go if you do not have hands to dream?

A title is a song, a title that is a provocation, an invitation to stop and think. The festival this year takes honey apple
20 years. It takes them a spirit of youth and renewal, but with his eyes fixed
to its roots. The festival was founded with the purpose of promoting and publicizing the fruits of the earth and
result of the work of man. Products treated with passion and creativity of craftsmanship. The products that come
union of nature with the passion and the work of man. Today you go on the run, he does everything in a hurry;
is produced in series, sometimes the impression is that the world is only moved by two hands on a keyboard and
front of a monitor. But luckily the machines do not go alone and above count the hands that crush
keys. The hands that know how to dream, the heart behind it in his hands.
The good results in agriculture must grow at the right times, they must mature, even a sculpture
must first be imagined. Everything that comes first should be thinking, creating. Someone
want and makes it reality
Hands digging the earth, who take care of the cheese, sowing, who sculpted hands
impastano, che cucinano; mani che dipingono, che scrivono poesie, che creano musiche su tasti neri e
bianchi. Mani che sudano. Che hanno dietro un cuore che esprime tutto quello che ha dentro e che vuole
raccontare..e fare “gustare” ad altri.
Questa è in breve l’idea che sta alla base della Sagra melemiele 2009. L’intento di sottolineare e ribadire
con forza quello che è stato il pensiero che ha dato vita a questa sagra, venti anni fa. La consapevolezza del
valore della terra e del lavoro dell’uomo; la bellezza dell’impegno e della passione; della fantasia e della
creatività che ci sono dietro… ad una poesia such a nice ripe apple!


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