Monday, May 22, 2006

Recall Letter To Dental Hygienist

Incontro con la giornalista Nacéra Benali

Saturday, May 20 was held at the Aula Magna del Liceo Psicopedagogico "Valgimigli" in Rimini a meeting with the Algerian journalist Nacera Benali. The journalist, who for ten years living in Italy, presented Three classes of his book "Clash of civilization", which describes the prejudices that characterize the relationship between Italians and Muslims. In the book clichés become increasingly popular on the Arab world are discussed and convincingly removed (religious extremism, hatred of the West) and the author seems to suggest that the trump card against terrorism is really a better understanding Islam in the West.
In particular, during the meeting with the girls in high school, Nacera Benali has focused on a particular theme, that of feminism present in Islamic countries. He recalled the existence of Egyptian and Algerian activists that are not listed in our press and pointed out that the number of women parliamentarians in Algeria is the same as in Italy (with a similarity of the ministries allocated). The European press has achieved its aims are, however, silenced Arab feminism, while emphasis is given to so-called "activists" as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, former Dutch parliamentarian (who got political asylum in Holland, however, lying on its origin) contoverso writer of short film " Submission "by Theo Van Gogh The
Benali, correspondent of the daily El Watan and escape the Maghreb Algerian domestic terrorism, therefore, stressed the practical need for dialogue between people of different backgrounds and a lucid analysis of current events that we are presented.

The meeting was sponsored by the Institute of Human Sciences of Rimini and is part of other initiatives in the wake of his knowledge and study of Islam edited by the Institute. The initiative is part of the fixture Interaction 2006. The event will be inaugurated on June 3, 2006 at the Palazzo del Podesta di Rimini.


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