Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dreamweaver Cs3 Beginners

Drug addiction and overdose, nothing to do with hemp. Cultivating

E 'was approved in recent days, a unanimous vote, the proposal to establish a commission of inquiry into the phenomenon of drug addiction and overdose deaths in Umbria, as the title of the Commission, should be clear that drug it is heavy, since drug addiction and overdose deaths are two phenomena related to substances such as heroin, cocaine, etc.. but certainly not the so-called soft drugs, a category made up of hemp and its derivatives. Instead of reading the voting process we realize that were rejected two amendments of minorities on the distinction between hard and soft drugs and the reference to government guidelines to follow.

It continues the misleading marketing of the Centre for the criminalization of cannabis, which leads many young people in Italy to face imprisonment and the label of "addict" for a few grams of grass or smoke. In this way, and a total absence of scientific evidence, we bring the same level, and in the same market, substances that have nothing to do with each other. Do not you know, to this day, for deaths or abuse of cannabis, as this is among the least toxic substances that exist for the human being, the dependence is far from being proven, even lacking any confirmations of the phenomenon of physical dependence , while a few isolated studies talk in case of psychological dependence, the same, for example, that governs the shopping addiction, or the lottery. Given the blind insistence on all this you just have to admit, reluctantly, that in Italy the drug policies at national level, are handled by people who have an interest to expand the business related to the therapeutic community and drug addiction and do not want, instead , interest to 'correct information and the empowerment of young people.

Claudia steering gears, Secretary Association of Radical Antiprohibitionist
Liliana Chiaramello, Secretary