Thursday, September 30, 2010

80s Thong Leotard Over Lycra Pic


San Quintin Write To Prisoners


Monday, September 13, 2010

Recall Letter In Dentist

starting dance classes and organized by Puntozero Performing Arts c / o General Stores - multi-purpose youth center / / / via Dock, 57 FERRARA::: Registration is now open:::

begin dance classes and performing arts organized by

Puntozero c / o Storage Generali.
Venerdì 17 Settembre si avvieranno i corsi di danza contemporanea per
di danza classica per adulti principianti e di danza classica livello   avanzato. 
Da lunedì 20 inizieranno i corsi di Yuriko Matsuyama per bambini,   ragazzi e adulti;  da mercoledì 22 inizierà il corso di Yoga&Danza tenuto da Martina   Danieli  e il laboratorio coreografico tenuto da Alessandra Fabbri;  da giovedì 23 avrà inizio anche il corso di sbarra a terra (metodo   Boris Kniaseff);  nel weekend del 24 e 25 Settembre si terrà invece il workshop di  improvvisazione e composizione con Antonio Caporilli.  Proseguono inoltre tutti i Wednesday classes stretching global active. From November are also activated during the theater and Roberta Pazi the course of contemporary dance with Ruth Zanella. ENTRIES c / o Magazzini Generali, via Dock, 57 Ferrara. INFO: 328 0294219 (Alessandra) e 333 2014475 (Ruth) oppure:
17 Settembre  gli orari settimanali delle lezioni dei corsi nello spazio  performativo dei Magazzini Generali saranno i seguenti : Lunedì                h 13:30 - 14:30 - Classical Studies (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 14:30 to 16:00 - classic girls (Yuriko Matsuyama )
h 16:00 to 17:00 - preparatory children (Yuriko Matsuyama)
h 17:00 - 18:00 - propedeutica bambini (Yuriko Matsuyama)                h 18:00 - 19:00 - bambini piccoli (Yuriko Matsuyama)                h 19:00 - 20:30 - contemporaneo adulti (Ruth Zanella/Ale Fabbri)
               h 20:30 - 22:15 - classico avanzato (Ale Fabbri)
Martedì h 17:00 to 18:30 - contemporary children (Ale Blacksmith)
h 19:00 to 20:30 - Beginners Classic (Ruth Zanella / Gaia Ciani) h 21:00 to 23:00 - theater (Roberta Pazi) --- from November Wednesday 17:00 h - 18 : 30 - contemporary children (Ale Blacksmith) h 18:30 to 20:30 - Yoga & Dance (Martina Danieli) h 20:30 to 21:30 - stretching active global h 21:30 to 23:30 - choreographic laboratory (Ale Blacksmith) h Thursday 17:00 to 18:00 - preparatory children (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 18:00 - 19:00 - bars on the ground method Kniaseff (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 19:00 to 20:00 - classic girls (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 20:00 to 21:00 - classic adult (Yuriko Matsuyama) h 21:00 to 22:15 - Adult Contemporary ( Ruth Zanella / Ale Blacksmith) h Friday 17:00 to 18:30 - contemporary children (Ale Fabbri) h 19:00 to 20:30 - Beginners Classic (Ruth Zanella / Gaia Ciani) h 20:30 to 22:15 - Advanced Classic (Ale Blacksmith)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is It Ok To Have A Period With Mucus In It

Reduce the gain of the mafia of drug trafficking? You can.

Berlusconi to Russia's statements on the need to increase penalties for individual consumption of drugs, now Drug Czar filmed from Giovanardi, assume that the individual fat consumption and trafficking mafias. It would of course argue that the prohibition is to fatten the black market, as amply demonstrated by now and as supporting characters in the world far more authoritative than mine. If counter served.
Unfortunately, the dialogue is only when the opponents are in good faith, and this is not the case.
fact, if the purpose was really undermining the gain and power of the mafia of drug trafficking, there would be a small reform to be introduced, which does not solve everything, but part of the problem. That is to equate the use of home-grown, and allow, without penalties prosecutions, the cultivation of hemp plants those which suffice the needs of the individual. Instead
in Italy if you are caught in possession of a having top of cannabis bought from the illegal market is likely an administrative penalty, if the same is detained for having cultivated the top, you'll fall immediately in criminal, with obvious satisfaction and burden of the consequences of Mafia.
There is a law, filed in 2009 by radical members, who seeks to do so minimal, the assimilation of cultivating domestic personal consumption. If
Silvio Berlusconi and Carlo Giovanardi are really in good faith, pull out of the drawer and put on the agenda.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Old 1960's Home Projector

LABORATORY improvisation and composition with Antonio Caporilli

11:12 September 25 and September 26,
October 9 and 10, 23 and 24 October 2010

"Improvisation is a form of work and research that allows you to get better acquainted. This knowledge, which is absorbed by the practice , then we report on a daily basis, reports and also in the way of looking at things. It is in this aspect of the knowledge that the work takes the form of composition, stimulating their imagination and that of others "

Antonio Caporilli

Purpose / / / The purpose of the workshop is to increase knowledge on the use of her body, putting it in relation to space, with gravity, with sound, with his stroke and a number of drivers that accrue from improvisation itself: conscious acceptance of an idea, moment by moment.
The workshop is open to all, there are special requests if you do not experience a healthy curiosity and willingness to play. Languages \u200b\u200b
/ / / In order to create an opportunity of contact between different languages, especially painting, music and gesture, are welcome graphic designers, photographers, v.j., noises maker, scrittori, fumettisti, oltre che danzatori, attori, musicisti. L'idea che ispira questo laboratorio è quella di creare un polo comune che produca in futuro una serie di eventi performativi in contesti urbani.
Programma /// Gli argomenti che verranno proposti nelle improvvisazioni tendono a sensibilizzare la qualità dell’ascolto nel gesto, nel respiro, nel ritmo e nel contatto. Le esperienze vissute durante le  improvvisazioni verranno elaborate individualmente e a gruppi, secondo criteri di composizione del  tutto autonomi, le cui uniche condizioni sono il tempo e lo spazio.      

Duration / / / 8 lab hours per weekend, divided into 4 hours per day. Hours

/ / / Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 15:00, half an hour lunch break. Place

/ / / The workshop will take place in Ferrara at GENERAL STORES on a dock 57, at the intersection with Corso Isonzo, you can park in front of the building or the former -MOF. costs

/ / / 65 euro per weekend (up to 8 hours of lab), more 15 euro per la tessera dei Magazzini Generali, valida un anno, a copertura delle spese assicurative. Note

/// Indossare abiti comodi. Iscrizione

/// Per iscriversi o per ricevere ulteriori informazioni telefonare al 328 0294219 oppure scrivere all'indirizzo   

In rete /// Una documentazione delle opere artistiche di Antonio Caporilli è reperibile sul sito

/ / / The organization is responsible for cultural associations and Puntozero Almagest::: ::: http://puntozero-mg.blogspot. com /