therapeutic cannabis use: the case paradoxical Fabrizio Pellegrini
Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo questo appello dell'associazione Pazienti Impazienti Cannabis .
La mattina del 18 maggio si svolgeranno a Chieti 2 processi per lo stesso reato a carico di un paziente e membro dell'associazione Pazienti impazienti cannabis, Fabrizio Pellegrini, accusato di aver coltivato poche piantine di cannabis sul suo balcone a fini di spaccio.
La storia di Fabrizio, 41 anni, musicista e pittore, parte una dozzina di anni fa. Scopre allora che gli effetti benefici di questa pianta gli permettono di alleviare i sintomi della fibromialgia che da un po' di tempo gli makes it difficult to carry out its activities and artistic work. But finding the cure started different kinds of problems. Like many other patients on the first question Fabrizio was: how to access to medicine? At that time, the possible answers to this question were only two or turn on the black market or autocoltivarsi their medicine.
Fabrizio, like many others chose the latter. Do not want to finance organized crime, is unwilling to assume the risk of low quality and adulterated substances did not, however, the financial ability to bear the costs of the illegal market. Decides that the only viable solution in the absence of alternatives, and in theory the simplest, most desired by dei malati a livello mondiale, sia quella di coltivarsi la sua medicina.
Nel frattempo Fabrizio conosce il nascente pic, altre persone che come lui rivendicano il diritto a curarsi con questa pianta, e partecipa fin dai primi momenti alla vita del gruppo. Quando, dopo, si apre la possibilità di utilizzare la cannabis medicinale prodotta in Olanda e importata attraverso le farmacie delle Asl, Fabrizio riesce a consegnare la richiesta del medico ed ottenere una prima fornitura, ma i problemi economici e la negazione della sua Asl di farsi carico dei costi non gli permettono di proseguire la cura. Rimane sempre la soluzione precedente e Fabrizio a primavera rimette i vasetti sul balcone. Ma quasi ogni anno riceveva una visita delle FF.OO. e l' ultima casualmente proprio on his 40th birthday.
Fabrizio Pellegrini is a person who as we have found benefit in using cannabis as medicine, but May 18 will again before the judge to defend her and our right to health. This right should be guaranteed for all but that does not seem to apply when you use this plant for treatment. Fabrizio has already been arrests, convictions, prison and other ongoing processes of caring only for choosing a plant. He is regarded as one of the worst offenders, risk more than 20 years in prison, and above all is still not able to alleviate the suffering caused by illness and unable to improve his quality of life. All this despite our
country THC, the only active psychotropic cannabis, it is included in Table 2b drug prescription drug and therefore legally and in theory that this requirement is the only requirement for the import of medicine he needed from 'Holland. Fabrizio
needs the solidarity of all, to be able to know its history and not be left alone. Those who wish may make its contribution to the presence in court of Chieti in the morning process.
to write:
Fabrizio Pellegrini
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Cardstock Wedding Programs
Million Marijuana March - a radical look.
took place yesterday, Saturday, May 8, 2010, the Million Marijuana March, "a global initiative launched in 1999 by the U.S. site Cures Not Wars. He landed in Italy May 5, 2001 with the campaign of mass autodenuncia "Mr. Judge I planted a seed" that collected between 1100 autodenunce Palermo, Milan and Rome, where the 645 autodenunce 05/01/2005 were delivered along with a few seedlings cannabis the police station to Piazza Venezia by a delegation of nine people after a street antiprò started from Piazza della Repubblica and opened by a delegation of Lakota Indians. " ... Since then, every year the first weekend in May Rome Italy participates with global initiative, which started from a few tens of cities in 1999 now involves more than 300 cities on three claims to be always the same all over the world: 1) the end of persecution for consumers. 2) the right to the therapeutic use of cannabis for patients 3) the right to freely cultivate a plant that is part of the botanical heritage of the Planet "(from the site Million Marijuana March )
After reading the three" bargaining point "or objectives, as secretary of the 'Association of Radical Anti-prohibitionist, I have shared, including the statement "the cultivation of cannabis is a natural right," he is in agreement.
Last year I participated as a private citizen, albeit with the pin of the Lista Pannella Bonino. Quest 'year I have officially joined, which was a bit worried' Mr. Mephisto, I hope will not be offended if I call him sir), organizer of the historic MMM in Italy, I got a call warning me that they were not permitted party banners. In fact I had already seen on the site decided to change the organization 's, "flags and banners will not be allowed to party, no party, no trucks will be allowed no Direct Debit with different music from reggae." A position quite clear that it was necessary to manage the chaos that resulted from the explosive mixture of the culture of hemp with the rave, not that you would see more young people reduced foaming at the mouth, and alcohol and skunk Dutch are more than sufficient to reduce to a young urban 'shadow of himself, but the event had an allure and a warmer atmosphere, more distracted, more peaceful, even in the attitude towards the police that another year had instead received a fair share of insults also launched by the organizers.
The only ones to turn to the two police officers were veterans of the 70s, with long white hair, shirt Canapisa, who waved a foot from their face a flyer with pictures of Cucchi, Aldovrandi, Bianzino, Elia, and we forget many more.
From one of these two cars are were instead shouted slogans against the freedom to demonstrate so-called "fascist shit," a category that exists now only in the dreams of troubled former communists and their children alas d 'on the other hand it is true that prohibitionist laws are often ascribed to the right , and even killings in prison, but the left has done its dirty work in this sense, at least with the sloth when not worse.
For example, denying hundreds of thousands of young people with an interest in dell'antiproibizionismo full information that included the battles radical civil disobedience by Marco Pannella, 1975, to the most recent Rita Bernardini, battles and gentlemen, referendarie, nonviolente.
La felice assenza dei carri tekno, che l’ anno passato rendevano impossibile la comunicazione, ha fatto però emergere la mancanza di un qualunque tipo di informazione sia politica che divulgativa e scientifica; l’informazione corretta è l’arma nonviolenta che l’antiproibizionismo oppone alle armi coercitive del sistema giudiziario e penale. Per depenalizzare, e legalizzare, è necessaria l’informazione, che incoraggia usi e costumi responsabili e autonomi; così come la legge che legalizzò in Italia l’aborto era accompagnata da norme mai realizzate, in tema di informazione biologica, sessuale e riproduttiva.
Nel metodo radicale di lavoro su obiettivi comuni with different strengths, there are many contacts during the MMM '@. ra and fellow Radicaliroma have grown, it is appropriate to say! : The organization of the march, Impatient Patient, the coalition, Youth Anti-prohibitionist, and others. Today
signals from around the world as imminent harm a quantum leap in drug policies, from Portugal, where an experiment in decriminalization of consumption in 2001 is giving statistical results of great importance, as the killing of the numbers of those infected and dead drug, as well as consumers, the U.S. border region - Mexico, torn by violence, crime and political corruption derived from the prohibitionist policies in Italy, where we have the legislation worse than many other countries, "Western," you should insist with increasing force, all forces antiprohibitionist together, because it opens a window of civility and intelligence.
took place yesterday, Saturday, May 8, 2010, the Million Marijuana March, "a global initiative launched in 1999 by the U.S. site Cures Not Wars. He landed in Italy May 5, 2001 with the campaign of mass autodenuncia "Mr. Judge I planted a seed" that collected between 1100 autodenunce Palermo, Milan and Rome, where the 645 autodenunce 05/01/2005 were delivered along with a few seedlings cannabis the police station to Piazza Venezia by a delegation of nine people after a street antiprò started from Piazza della Repubblica and opened by a delegation of Lakota Indians. " ... Since then, every year the first weekend in May Rome Italy participates with global initiative, which started from a few tens of cities in 1999 now involves more than 300 cities on three claims to be always the same all over the world: 1) the end of persecution for consumers. 2) the right to the therapeutic use of cannabis for patients 3) the right to freely cultivate a plant that is part of the botanical heritage of the Planet "(from the site Million Marijuana March )
After reading the three" bargaining point "or objectives, as secretary of the 'Association of Radical Anti-prohibitionist, I have shared, including the statement "the cultivation of cannabis is a natural right," he is in agreement.
Last year I participated as a private citizen, albeit with the pin of the Lista Pannella Bonino. Quest 'year I have officially joined, which was a bit worried' Mr. Mephisto, I hope will not be offended if I call him sir), organizer of the historic MMM in Italy, I got a call warning me that they were not permitted party banners. In fact I had already seen on the site decided to change the organization 's, "flags and banners will not be allowed to party, no party, no trucks will be allowed no Direct Debit with different music from reggae." A position quite clear that it was necessary to manage the chaos that resulted from the explosive mixture of the culture of hemp with the rave, not that you would see more young people reduced foaming at the mouth, and alcohol and skunk Dutch are more than sufficient to reduce to a young urban 'shadow of himself, but the event had an allure and a warmer atmosphere, more distracted, more peaceful, even in the attitude towards the police that another year had instead received a fair share of insults also launched by the organizers.
The only ones to turn to the two police officers were veterans of the 70s, with long white hair, shirt Canapisa, who waved a foot from their face a flyer with pictures of Cucchi, Aldovrandi, Bianzino, Elia, and we forget many more.
From one of these two cars are were instead shouted slogans against the freedom to demonstrate so-called "fascist shit," a category that exists now only in the dreams of troubled former communists and their children alas d 'on the other hand it is true that prohibitionist laws are often ascribed to the right , and even killings in prison, but the left has done its dirty work in this sense, at least with the sloth when not worse.
For example, denying hundreds of thousands of young people with an interest in dell'antiproibizionismo full information that included the battles radical civil disobedience by Marco Pannella, 1975, to the most recent Rita Bernardini, battles and gentlemen, referendarie, nonviolente.
La felice assenza dei carri tekno, che l’ anno passato rendevano impossibile la comunicazione, ha fatto però emergere la mancanza di un qualunque tipo di informazione sia politica che divulgativa e scientifica; l’informazione corretta è l’arma nonviolenta che l’antiproibizionismo oppone alle armi coercitive del sistema giudiziario e penale. Per depenalizzare, e legalizzare, è necessaria l’informazione, che incoraggia usi e costumi responsabili e autonomi; così come la legge che legalizzò in Italia l’aborto era accompagnata da norme mai realizzate, in tema di informazione biologica, sessuale e riproduttiva.
Nel metodo radicale di lavoro su obiettivi comuni with different strengths, there are many contacts during the MMM '@. ra and fellow Radicaliroma have grown, it is appropriate to say! : The organization of the march, Impatient Patient, the coalition, Youth Anti-prohibitionist, and others. Today
signals from around the world as imminent harm a quantum leap in drug policies, from Portugal, where an experiment in decriminalization of consumption in 2001 is giving statistical results of great importance, as the killing of the numbers of those infected and dead drug, as well as consumers, the U.S. border region - Mexico, torn by violence, crime and political corruption derived from the prohibitionist policies in Italy, where we have the legislation worse than many other countries, "Western," you should insist with increasing force, all forces antiprohibitionist together, because it opens a window of civility and intelligence.
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