Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sympathy Quotes Loss Of Mother

Italy that I would not plug in the side

On 25 July 1943, closed dark era for Italy: The date marks the end of the fascist regime, with the arrest of its designer and founder, Benito Mussolini. In order to prevent what was experienced in those years, the Constitution in its final provisions, prohibits the re-organization, in whatever form, the dissolved fascist party.
Today I read that the much-battered democracy suffers the final blow: in addition to the small charismatic leader, made their appearance the new symbol of an Italy squads totally adrift. They are the "black Ronde" legalized of fact and law presented by the security package by the government (under threat League) to parliament, approved alla Camera e all'esame del Senato.
Negli abiti e nelle movenze rispecchiano la fierezza e il vigore patriottico. Mossi da uno spirito nazionalista si appresteranno a vegliare sui cittadini, affinchè questi possano chinare adeguatamente il capo sui piedi del padrone. Neofascisti per volontà e per credo: negli abiti ( rigorosamente scuri), nelle icone (l'aquila imperiale), perfino nella promozione e divulgazione della storia con particolare riferimento a quella dell'impero romano. La stessa grandezza richiamata da Mussolini negli anni 20. Che spiegazione dare a una distorsione così evidente della realtà democratica in cui viviamo? Quale sogno maggiore nutre il nostro governo? Quali sono le loro vere intenzioni?
Le notizie che quotidianamente read, not comfort us ... Italy is slightly hidden off to a scheme made clowns, minstrels and showgirls!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hardwood Floor Vacuum

Yesterday was the House approved the bill that limits the interception, an essential tool in the hands of the judiciary. By comparison the interception is to PM as the surgeon's scalpel. But these are bazzeccole, to avoid unnecessary details that are at the bottom. Especially considering the way in which the proposal was approved: with yet another trust in government. For the uninitiated, there is a specific process that the proposal should follow, from the Committee before being debated point by point in the classroom. All this is stato evitato per compiacere il premier e consentirgli l'ennesima legge personale, che tuteli i suoi interessi, le sue ossessioni. La Repubblica oggi ha pubblicato una serie di intercettazioni in cui Berlusconi è incappato nel corso degli anni e che spiegano adeguatamente perchè sia così restio a questo strumento di indagine. Le posterò sane, in barba alla legge approvata che prevede l'esatto contrario.

Nel Capodanno 1987, alle ore 20,52 dalla villa di Arcore (Berlusconi festeggia con Fedele Confalonieri e Bettino Craxi).
Berlusconi. Iniziamo male l'anno!
Why evil?
Berlusconi. Why had to be two [girls] Drive In what we have done the bin! And even Craxi is out of the grace of God!
Dell'Utri. Ah! But what do you care for Drive In?
Berlusconi. What do I care? Then end up not fuck anymore! If it does not start the year, no more fucking!
Dell'Utri. Okay, in short, going to fuck somewhere else!

Just one year earlier, on Christmas Day 1986, the name Berlusconi was blown off in an interception of a mobster, Gaetano China, and the brother of Marcello Dell'Utri, Alberto.
China. You know how much he weighed the case of the Knight?
Dell'Utri. No, how much he weighed four pounds?
China. Yes, it should be '! Eleven and eight hundred pounds!
Dell'Utri. fool! And that's arrived, a truck came to him?
China. Sure, I had to make a box from the carpenter, or broke! Why
a prominent mafioso as China took the trouble to give a monument to the Knight of icing is still an enigma, but the documents at least attempt to ingratiate himself to Cosa Nostra.

Instead, Berlusconi that seems to promise a benefit to Agostino Sacca, head of RaiFiction when, 6 July 2007, says, "I know that then you repay the other hand, when you'll be a free trader, I am committed to ... eh! A give you great support. " Asked what the prime minister? The favor of an engagement for a soubrette useful to gain a senator and put under the Prodi government. Or maybe ...
One more excerpt:
Saccà. She is the only person who ever asked me nothing, I mean ...
Berlusconi. I sometimes women ... and you wonder ... to raise the morale of the Cape (laughing).
And in fact, very tactfully, Berlusconi asked to fix or at least to consider this or that actress. Some "because it is getting dangerous."

These are the real reasons why you delete the INTERCEPT! Meditate, meditate, as always in his chair and rule reigns undisturbed ...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Sims2 Pets Nodvd Blog

Chronicle from the seat pocket in

much talk of "political decay" of MPs "Impoltroniti", zero and zero change projects, but look closely at the real problem is the foundation of society. The patronage is unlikely to be eradicated from the earth on which he had taken root. Who would not want their own saint in heaven? Well the result is seen in small things, perhaps in a small seat on the outskirts, a few hundred votes, but inexorable mirror of the country. President of a young girl. Inexperience is floating out from the very first moves to be performed, perhaps primary, automatic, but not so small chairs discounted ... On 2 children. "You are represented in the list?", "No, I'm her boyfriend and he is the brother of the President, we have come to lend a hand." Aid, some not refusing anything, but ongoing support and continuous, well, this is not due. In the end you know how these things work: a little help from the town, a little help from the court, and here's the teller that the check is removed, as it will be off for the president "supported". I renamed the "family seat . The drama is presented at the opening: Tens of cards uncertain to be evaluated, what criteria to adopt, how to decide? The "family" joins in trouble, pressed by the representatives and doubtful how to proceed. But there is a law to know in order to extricate himself from any cards "abnormal." Ah, yes ... The result is the recommendation A compromise will validate all, both major parties are satisfied ... so we respect level playing field ... No. So we send to ruin the country ....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tennis Ball Saver Bulk


It is now known that the politician is to become a true profession. Like the doctor, lawyer, businessman, the politician is a real ambition for life, a job for an indefinite period, without the danger of insecurity, a modern form of work "flexible"! All workers hardened, not a drop of sweat from a life ... But let's see exactly what the emoluments of our politicians, particularly Senators, what is called compensation è ben superiore rispetto a qualsiasi stipendio che si rispetti. La Costituzione prevede la sua determinazione in misura "non superiore al trattamento complessivo massimo annuo lordo dei magistrati con funzione di presidente di sezione della corte di Cassazione ed equiparata". In termini poveri parliamo già dello stipendio più elevato nel campo del pubblico impiego. In termini numerici parliamo di 5.613,59€ ! Una "indennità" del genere da sola sarebbe in grado di sfamare una famiglia con 5 figli, ma, come si sa, questi nostri senatori, sono persone del popolo, che necessitano di rimborsi...(bisogna pur arrivare in aereoporto, viaggiare, alloggiare, telefonare...). E' così che viene riconosciuta la per diem, reimbursement for the Capital City. Amount? € 4003.11, clearly monthly. We need to stay in luxurious hotels in which they reside in Rome, when will not vote in parliament! They need rug with silk when the cold could freeze your ass! Then we have the
reimbursement of expenses for the conduct of the parliamentary mandate (but this item was not already 's "compensation "!?!?!?!? ) Amount? € 4,678.36 (35% of which the person, 65% to party affiliation).
transport costs and travel reimbursement : € 15,379.37 annui!!! Roba che si può fare avanti e indietro da Roma per 10 anni...
Ma non è finita qui: esiste un riborso spese anche per le telefonate ! Ben 4.150€ annui...( equivalente a 345,82€ di ricarica al mese!!!) Poi esiste l' indennità di congedo PENSIONE!!!!! Dopo minimo 5 anni di attività ne avranno diritto e sarà pari all'80% dell'indennità di cui sopra moltiplicata per gli anni di "servizio". Facciamo un rapido calcolo: indennità+diaria+rimborso spese per mandato parlamentare+ rimborso spese viaggi+ rimborso spese telefonate= 29.305,72€ !!!! All this month!!
avoids any comment about it ...