Sunday, March 29, 2009

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heard now, the discourse of Silvio Berlusconi's PDL party's national congress, a particular sentence caught my ATTENTION. Eulogy its merits, his work, past and present, his role as front man loyal to the institution that embodies said: "We chairman of the board has powers only fake, unlike other European countries. So the state can not work. And 'The time has come to modernize the Constitution! "Now, knowing the ignorance of our president in the institutional vorrei esprimere qualche opinione. Nel 1948 un'Assemblea Costituente, eletta dal popolo affinchè ricalcasse in maniera totalmente paritaria le ideologie del Paese, diede alla luce una Carta Costituzionale, invidiata dalla maggior parte dei Paesi Occidentali, per la sua completezza e coerenza. Tra i principi fondamentali e inviolabili che essa sancisce vi è quello in virtù del quale l'Italia è una Repubblica democratica PARLAMENTARE. Guardando nelle gerarchie delle più alte cariche dello stato, il presidente del consiglio, occupa la quarta posizione, sancendo sin dall'inizio dei limiti al suo potere. La ratio sta nel presupposto di avere un potere non PRESIDENZIALE, ma PARLAMENTARE! Se Berlusconi conoscesse a fondo la nostra Costituzione, ben would know of this fundamental difference, and you would say the allegations of this kind. "In other European countries" clearly there is a presidential power that we have not been in force. Hence the total unfounded conclusions about the limitation on the part of its power. The status of a state does not change with the will of an individual. History has taught us that most of the dictatorships have settled democratically. Be careful, then. This guy is all it takes to be able to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors he so loved!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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What Minister! Not to forget

Roberto Calderoli who ... non conosce questo ardito politicante della lega nord? Per coloro che non lo conoscessero vediamo un attimino di inquadrarne la figura; muove i suoi primi passi, udite udite, in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA, laureandosi anche con buoni voti, e in seguito si sposa con RITO CELTICO ( senza alcun valore legale in Italia) ed ha convinzioni politiche xenofobe e separatiste. Entra in politica (ma con quali conoscenze?!?!?!?) con il partito della lega nord. E' promotore principale della attuale legge elettorale...quella che egli stesso definì "una porcata". E' infatti la legge forse più antidemocratica che abbia trovato luogo nel nostro sistema giuridico; infatti elimina completamente il potere sovrano del popolo di poter scegliere il proprio rappresentate in Parlamento. Infatti grazie a non so quale ispirazione geniale, l'allora ministro delle Riforme istituzionali ( badate bene, hanno assegnato questo dicastero a chi non ha alcuna conoscenza istituzionale, visti i suoi studi...), appunto Calderoli, pensò (bene?!?!?!) di eliminare la possibilità per gli elettori di indicare la preferenza di qualsivoglia candidato, lasciando nelle mani delle varie segreterie di partito l'onere di affidare gli scranni parlamentari a chi avessero voluto (favorendo così raccomandazioni, clientelismo, baronia). Ebbene, nonostante questi eccellenti risultati in campo "istituzionale" nel governo Berlusconi IV ha assunto l'incarico di "Ministro per la semplificazione normativa". Ma come, assegnano the task of simplifying the regulatory apparatus Italian, who more than anyone has managed to confuse !?!?!?!? And, in fact, in many awkward attempt to eliminate obsolete rules and enter into disuse, was wiped off the face of the earth 79 well-established Italian joint with Royal Decrees until 1947, including Sabaudia, Aprilia, Sestreiere. Deleted. It means that they have become "ghost." "No problem," said the secretary of the ministry, "the municipalities are not dead, no one is likely to disappear." Already own no problem. So in fact we continue to have confirmation on the expertise of those who govern us, especially those who should help simplify the system, not destroy it ... NOT THERE 'LIMIT THE WORST EVER !!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Monday, March 16, 2009

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On March 16, 1978 occurred one of the most direct attacks on the State: the massacre of Fani and the subsequent kidnapping of Aldo Moro. Perhaps the last great statesman we have had, surely the last politician to personal well-being Antep the collective interest. He was responsible for the so-called "historic compromise" with the PCI, an alliance through which it was possible to restore stability to a nation in severe economic and social crisis. The scenario that we live in these days does not seem very far from those of the '70s / '80s, yet he feels the lack of a strong political figure able to restore confidence to our country. This piece is dedicated to all those who sacrificed themselves for us all to give us a better Italy, a free nation, able to recover. Not a single nation in the hands of a selfish despot!

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Incredible! There are no other words to describe what happens every day here in our region, from the Alps to the distant land of Sicily.
published in The Lord of the video is that Nino Strano, who actually "strange" not only has the last name!
E 'got the headlines of the day fall of the Prodi government, when he decided to turn the parliament into a tavern, happily eating like nothing had mortadella (which sign of civilization for a person who should represent Italy). But this was just the culmination of a sad day that he was a protagonist of foul language and invective against those who, in full consciousness, "he dared to stand against party decisions."
Well, not satisfied, he claimed that it would eliminate from the public site of a youtube video that did not go back nothing but his shameful performance at the Palazzo Madama, drawn from national and international news. The denunciation may be likened to a real intimidation.
Therefore, in defense of freedom di pensiero, e in solidarietà a tutto il popolo della rete chiedo che questo "Strano" signore sparisca dal palcoscenico politico italiano ed europeo dato che, una volta trombato alle scorse elezioni nazionali, è stato ripresentato per le elezioni europee!!!!
Tutta la mia solidarietà per Gisella e per il suo blog

Saturday, March 14, 2009

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credibility in Europe

Cito un pezzo preso dal blog di Antonio Di Pietro

"I partiti sono in campagna elettorale per le europee di giugno. Aspettatevi di tutto, grandi spot, grandi promesse, dichiarazioni d’intento of all kinds. The security return blurring the focus of national crisis, Bossi rispolvererà rifles discharges of federalism never started. They begin with the usual approach of darkness and denigration against Italy of Values. strategy already under national newspapers. You will see the great outdoors

Pd who must rebuild the facade of a 'soft opposition but necessary to the theater of government. You'll see the headlines and busts for UDC League and designated third parties to the role of Poles, the balance to the covenants.

for Italy of Values the diktat will be mandatory: obscure.

The reason is clear: for those who are not political and comparable or blackmail is dangerous.

Italy of Values \u200b\u200b is not for sale, and then is dangerous. If it is true that our party is in the news, share and circulation of copies throughout the year, at election time is a risk to Casta , except for citizens, to whom the opportunity in June to change the face policy.

Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor election honest face, backed by stories of professionalism of impegno sociale , di valore . Persone con la fedina penale pulita.

Per noi il Parlamento europeo, così come quello italiano, non è né l’Elba di condannati, prescritti, indagati ed indultati né un riconoscimento da elargire a chi, a diverso titolo, lo ha negoziato nelle stanze di partito.

Alle elezioni europee il cittadino potrà esprimere la preferenza sulla scheda elettorale, un fastidio per la Casta. Silvio Berlusconi ha dichiarato che si candiderà capolista in tutte le circoscrizioni ed ha invitato i suoi ministri a fare altrettanto, seguendo il suo “buon” esempio.

Un gesto degno della disonestà di un corruttore .

Silvio Berlusconi sa benissimo che lo spazio che daranno i media al governo sarà aggiuntivo a quello stabilito dalla legge sulla par condicio per la campagna elettorale. Non solo, questo vile giochetto consentirà di nascondere ai cittadini i veri candidati che li rappresenteranno poi in Europa. Gli italiani vedranno nomi e volti noti come Fitto , Tremonti , Matteoli , Rotondi , Scajola e li voteranno, ma non saranno loro a partire per Strasburgo. Saranno invece le retrovie sconosciute su cui faranno confluire i voti quando torneranno ai rispettivi ministeri. Questi ministri andrebbero sospesi dalla carica and salary for the duration of the election campaign for inability to fulfill their missions in a country in default risk and can not be administered on alternate days based on campaign promises.

In the coming days will present some important applications . The people chosen by Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhave the objective, I repeat, worthily represent Italians in Strasbourg. The first meeting will be next Wednesday on the blog, where present, and will present the first in a list of excellent candidates, clear signal of the turn that Italy wants to impress on the political values \u200b\u200bof Europe and in our Country. And chastity will understand. "

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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The latest electoral law intended by the center right and center left unmodified involves the identification of the parliamentary vote not by direct, but seen by the party secretaries, because us poor voters to When choosing the one we found ourselves in front of possibilities to cross the bullet marks of the party, without expressing any opinion on any future parliamentary and these are then made to sit on their bench, with strict hierarchical order, according to the will of each party, thus giving green recommendations, bribes, etc.. The results of this are obvious if you look at absurd proposals of these gentlemen, without distinction of colors and flags, in fact, these "MPs elected by the people" have given free rein to their imagination, only to giustifcare their presence in the halls of the Senate and House. These range from regulation of the "pursuit of health in the broadest sense and attention to the body, healing key, but above all aesthetic" to the regulation of the fitness instructor. In the middle of an endless series of legislative proposals obscene as the identification of the figure of pizza, dell'onicotecnico (experts in the construction of artificial nails, beautician's very different ...), eh of the Viareggio carnival, the tarantula, etc etc . Unfortunately, this is the mirror of our society, più intenta a salvaguardare il proprio tornaconto che l'interesse della collettività. E' solo da noi che si può ottenere un cambiamento reale, senza la necessità di dover essere rappresentati da finti politici e da marionette incapaci. La rinascita parte sempre dal basso, mai dal vertice!

Monday, March 2, 2009

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