Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pension Plane With L.i.c. Jeewan Suraksha

Stasera INTERAZIONI + ALMA ROCK- Erasmus Day

Interaction Tonight begins the weekend of cuisines from the world with large multi-ethnic dinner in the square. We will have dishes from China, India, Albania, Morocco, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Ukraine.
The price of a single dish goes from 4 to 7 euro.
The dinner will be accompanied by concerts AlmaRock-Erasmus Day, which brings together the university band.
from 18.30 in Piazza Cavour.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Minnesota Age To Donate Blood

Il corpo: balli, arti marziali e costumi

thank all the groups that have animated the evening last night, Tocadores and dance groups hip hop (Lil 'Ladies, Violet, high schools and Soul to Soul) who danced outside on the rhythms of the percussion program, remember the evening of that day interactions. The evening includes performances by two bands (The rumors and Dominican Sabor), a sflilata of traditional costumes and a demonstration of Tai Chi and Kung Fu. All this from ever 21.00 in Piazza Cavour.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Ideas For Thirdbirthday Invitationwordings

Giovedì 8 -- Ritmi di strada con i Tocadores

Tonight at 21.00 the evening will be dedicated to the rhythms of the street, with the first four groups of hip hop dance (Soul To Soul ...) Then with the percussion of Tocadores. The group of drummers led by Sergio Masula has been active since 2001. The show is offering a journey Intercultural, a musical tour of the world where, for each region "visited" are performed typical traditional folk rhythms, using percussion instruments native to specific regions of Brazil, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Senegal, Guinea, Madagascar and others. See ya there!

Monday, June 5, 2006

How To Attach Zipped Folder

AAA cercasi artista per progetto Senghor

One of the artists performing such interactions is the painter and sculptor Rimini Monica Sacchetti (under construction). Monica look for a colleague (or colleagues) to attend a workshop in Senegal sponsored by the cultural De toutes maniéres (see link to fianco). Il laboratorio è finalizzato alla produzione in loco di una scultura commemorativa per il centenario della nascita dell'ex presidente del Senegal Leopold Senghor. Per accedere al concorso è necessario far pervenire all'assocoazione il progetto dell'esecuzione entro la fine di luglio. Per informazioni 347 9752891.

Donate Hearing Aids Charlotte Nc

Gli artisti

L’esposizione di opere artistiche di Interazioni 2006 ha assunto un carattere dinamico, also in setting the space. Only these days it has taken on a final arrangement, due to problems with the arrival of some paintings from abroad.
Various styles intersect to the tradition of the event, in order to represent the work of foreign artists in our region and also in the rest of Italy. This year brings Interaction subtitled "Interdependence of identity", replacing the previous editions of the subtitle, "Getting to know the difference": in fact we want to go beyond a simple representation of the other, which sometimes results only in
a show of diversity, taking aware that the "other" (Each "other" is not only the alien) is represented by an identity in motion, fluid and product crosses cultural and social.

For this reason within the exhibition space are Italian artists working in different languages, such as the painter and sculptor Monica Sacchetti Rimini (former host of Interaction 2003), whose work is influenced by land and colors Africans. His work, much of matter, together fragments of clay, iron, wood, ceramics, learned from their original context and reused to take new forms and meanings that create works inspired by distant traditions. Staying in Africa, home to the painter Interaction Goze Bidiè architect and resident (Veneto), from the Ivory Coast. Bidiè acknowledges in his painting applicants colors such as pink sky, red sun, and every person who appears in his paintings "wearing the mask African ebony black eyes in the shape of coffee beans, round mouth, not to break with the umbilical cord of my culture and my roots. " For this exhibition offers a number painted on masonite that is the life of the African woman. Colors
applicants may also be noted in the painting of the Brazilian Dialed Newfoundland: yellow, green, blue and brown skin of the female figures represented, without a face, but that for this take on a character universality.
come instead from the Dominican Republic the paintings of Adrian Reyes. Abstract painting representing inner states, with hints technology (cyber style reminiscent of the paintings) away, the artist places the stereotyped Caribbean. Reyes himself reminds us through the words of the artist Ezequiel Taveras: "I do not think that living conditions in the Caribbean the artist to create a piece 'Caribeña', I believe that each of us assimilate what is around him to create his own world" .
modern style switch to classic techniques of modern subjects by Agim Sulaj, which represents the natural landscapes of his homeland, Albania. Sulaj propone anche quattro opere dal carattere satirico, che gli sono valsi vari premi e riconoscimenti.
Interazioni ospita anche i dipinti di Malla Chirin, artista siriana residente in Toscana, che propone una serie dedicata ai dervishi rotanti. Chirin ha proposto anche alcuni smalti su rame e tele ad olio, che includono sempre un riferimento alla cultura e alla storia musulmana e alla rappresentazione della femminilità.
Chiude la mostra la fotografa Ann Van Rossem, di origine belga, ma da tempo residente a Rimini, con fotografie documentaristiche che aprono una finestra su vari popoli del mondo. Ann è una fotografa dilettante e il lavoro qui presentato è il frutto dei suoi viaggi e della sua curiosità, e della voglia "di dividere le photographed and make known my feelings, love and respect all forms of life, nature, animals, peoples, cultures and diversity. "
For next year, the artistic division of the project" Interaction "aims physically and materially to weave the identity and talents of various artists in the creation of a collective work, transforming the exhibition space into a dynamic workshop.

(photo: detail of the works of Dialed Newfoundland Monica Sacchetti, Malla Chirino, Bidiè for other artists see link at right)

Electronic Fake Fish Bowl

Apertura Interazioni Rimini

has opened the sixth edition of Interactions in Rimini. This year the theme of the event is the meeting of different identities, as evidenced by the chosen subtitle, "Interdependence of Identity."
The opening saw the protagonists elementary and middle school classes with the awarding of winners of the contest "My city ...."
and in the evening, the concert Gafarov by the School of Oriental Philosophy Comparative.
On Sunday interaction was instead moved on two fronts, with a good response from the public: the sports field area Ponterotto, with the football tournament won by the Moroccan training and Piazza Cavour, where she danced and sang with the choir Association "Hope Ukraine." Interaction
continues until 11 June in Piazza Cavour and Palazzo del Podesta. Click on the link on the left to view the program of the event.